Hello everyone! My name is Matthew Boncosky, and I’m the latest and greatest member to join the Ketner Group team full-time!
It feels great being able to put that into words.
If you already recognize my name, that’s because you might have read my first introduction on the KG blog when I began as an intern in May. Give that a read if you want to learn more about my background and how I ended up at Ketner Group.
Now, it’s been over six months since that blog went live, so what has happened in the meantime? Well, a lot, as you might imagine.
What I’ve been up to at Ketner Group
After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin in May, Ketner Group welcomed me into the world of PR with open arms. My main goal was to gain some real-world communications experience that would set me up for a career in the field.
Like others have aptly written on this blog, being an intern at KG is the real deal. From the beginning, I was tasked with handling items that directly impacted the work that Ketner Group did for its clients. Over time, I was gradually given more and more responsibility, and by the time fall rolled around, I had been onboarded onto multiple client accounts.
I was doing real work, helping to tell the stories of Ketner Group’s clients while feeling like a true member of the team. My experience was more than everything that I hoped it would be. Oh, and I also got to make ice cream in a bag and solved a murder mystery with my team.
Professionally, I learned and accomplished everything that I wanted as an intern here. But in the process, I realized that Ketner Group was much more than just an internship or a part-time job, which is why I was so happy when a full-time offer was extended my way.
Why I wanted to stay at Ketner Group
Ketner Group does a fantastic job at exceeding client expectations. Therefore, it’s the perfect spot for me to begin my career and build on the skills and expertise I’ve already begun to develop in the field of retail tech. Now, I can’t go into a store without thinking what point-of-sale solutions, inventory management software or store optimization program the retailer is using behind the scenes, and I think that’s so cool.
While all that is great, what really sealed the deal for me about KG is the culture that has been established here. Ketner Group is an agency, and as someone new to PR, I heard many tales about how agency life can be overwhelming and take over one’s life and non-work hours. That’s not the case at Ketner Group.
Yes, Ketner Group works hard and there’s a lot of important work to get done. But Ketner Group also knows how to relax, take a step back and have some genuine fun from time to time. It truly feels like those around me care about my well-being and who I am as a person, and it’s why I love logging on each day and seeing pictures from everyone’s weekend or hotly debating the merits of candy corn.
Long story short, I’m just thrilled to begin my career at Ketner Group, and I can’t wait to jump right in.

Finally, a little more about me
Those who know me well know I’ve always loved sports, so when I’m not crafting bylines or connecting with media at work, I can often be found playing sports, attending a game or match, discussing the latest news or watching the night’s biggest event on TV. I’ll never turn down the chance to talk about what makes a ballpark great or why tennis is a fantastic spectator sport.
I also love to travel and explore. Whether that’s as small as finding a new local haunt or as big as figuring out my next travel destination, I love experiencing and learning from all the world has to offer. If anyone has food recs, feel free to send them my way.