pr ageny readiness checklist takeaways

Introducing “The PR Agency Readiness Checklist” With Three Important Takeaways

As a PR agency that specializes in helping retail technology companies gain exposure in their areas of expertise and expand their share of market, we know what it takes to set our clients up for long-term success.

The reality is that, when done right, a solid PR program can provide major value to tech companies. Strategic communications can:

  • Increase recognition of a company’s brand and thought leadership.
  • Provide validation among peers, media and analysts.
  • Generate sales leads and support long sales cycles.

But how does a tech company know if they are truly ready to invest in a PR program?

The answer is in our latest eBook: “The PR Agency Readiness Checklist.

Whether you are an early-stage innovator or an established solutions provider, this new eBook provides the five key steps we recommend you take in preparation for embarking on a true PR partnership.

In celebration of its launch, we’re sharing three takeaways from the eBook.

1. Identifying marketing goals is of the upmost priority

If you take away anything from this blog (or eBook!), remember this:

“Without a marketing plan, you don’t know where PR fits in. Without a marketing team, you can’t properly direct a PR agency.”

Before even considering a PR strategy, retail tech companies must first establish their overall goals, such as lead generation, acquisition or brand awareness. Then, they must develop a marketing plan incorporating the various strategies and tactics to achieve those goals.

2. Getting the green light from the executive team is essential

We get asked all the time what makes a great agency/client partnership. Of course, things like two-way collaboration and transparency are important, but executive support is always at the top of our list.

In our experience, c-level executives have a variety of reasons why they may not be excited to bring in outside PR support. Some have been previously burned by a PR relationship, others are just not comfortable with dedicating budget to PR.

Our 20+ years working with retail technology companies have taught us that without executive buy-in, a PR program will flounder before it has even begun.

As key spokespeople and subject matter experts, a company CEO and other executives have a wealth of knowledge and insights they can bring to the PR table. By giving a PR partner access to the executive team, an agency team can provide a more proactive and strategic approach to PR success, rather than reactionary responses.

3. Finding the right PR agency inspires a true partnership

The PR agency/solution provider partnership is just like any relationship – you must find the right match. It’s essential to align your values and preferences.

When evaluating PR agencies, retail tech companies should consider qualities like skillset, agency location and size, and of course expertise.

At Ketner Group, we are 100% specialized in the retail technology ecosystem, working with companies in sectors such as supply chain, ecommerce, payment solutions, merchandising and in-store experiences.

Partnering with a specialist agency that focuses on one category is often beneficial to organizations, as specialty agencies have developed long-term relationships with influencers, the media and industry analysts in their space.

Keeping “The PR Agency Readiness Checklist” handy

Whether you are just starting a search for a PR agency or thinking about bringing on agency support next year, we encourage you to keep this checklist handy (and download here!).

Still have questions on PR agency support?

We’d love to keep the conversation going! Contact us today to find out how we can help support your marketing and communications goals.