Ketner Group_Anne Webster

Get to Know Our New Account Supervisor: Anne Webster

Growing up, I was fascinated with the investigative journalists I saw on TV and read about in books. I pictured myself chasing stories that would reveal injustices, uncover corruption and expose wrongdoing. A champion for the truth, I would don a well-tailored blazer, microphone in one hand, notebook filled with insights and hard-earned facts in the other and bring to light what is often left in the dark.

But when my high school journalism teacher suggested I explore a career in public relations (PR), I was intrigued. PR, as it turns out, is just as strategic and powerful as investigative journalism, but with a more positive twist. Instead of just telling the story, you’re helping shape it. There’s something undeniably powerful about crafting a narrative that elevates, rather than exposes.

So, I traded my dream of investigative journalism for a new mission in PR, where I could still chase headlines, but this time to highlight the brands or people doing incredible work. I went on to earn my bachelor’s degree in journalism with a concentration in PR and a minor in marketing from Texas A&M University.

Accelerating business agendas for global brands

Since then, I’ve had the privilege of working with top global technology brands and emerging startups alike, shaping perceptions and accelerating business agendas. As a communications strategist, I’ve tackled everything from product launches and rebrands to executive positioning and company acquisitions.

Whether working alongside C-suite executives or mentoring up-and-coming PR pros, I’m passionate about helping businesses tell their stories in a way that truly connects. The best parts? Landing that coveted story placement in a top-tier media outlet. Or when a sales team closes a major deal because their story finally clicks with prospects.

Now, I’m thrilled to bring that passion and drive for results to Ketner Group’s esteemed clients. Working together with KG’s dynamic team of communications experts, I couldn’t be more excited to contribute to the amazing work happening here.

Revealing my Top Ten Titles, besides Media Matchmaker

Besides “Media Matchmaker” or “Communications Strategist,” I hold a few other titles that describe me well…

  1. Mom: I’m mom to two sons and a teacup Yorkie named Bandit.
  2. Native Texan: I embrace my Texas roots with pride (it’s practically a requirement).
  3. Home Gym Warrior: Working out in my home gym—aka my garage—is a top priority for my sanity. I love pushing myself, even when it feels like a sauna during the brutal Texas summers.
  4. Trail Conqueror: I relish the challenge of rugged hiking trails; the tougher, the better. Nothing beats conquering steeps inclines for that summit view with my husband and fellow adventurer.
  5. College Football Fan: Gig ‘em, Aggies!
  6. Salsa Connoisseur: If the salsa is good enough, you might catch me skipping the chips and going straight for a straw.
  7. Neat Freak: I have been known to regularly use a comb to smooth the fringe on my area rugs.
  8. Ambidextrous Anomaly: I write, eat and brush my teeth with my left hand. Everything else – catch, throw, swing a golf club, shoot a basketball, etc. is done with my right hand.
  9. Grammar Nerd: For the record, I’m a grammar nerd through and through, though I’ll take the AP style of comma usage over the Oxford comma any day. Blame it on my journalism degree.
  10. True Story Enthusiast: If a movie is “based on a true story,” I’m in! A documentary? Even better. I guess there’s still a little bit of that investigative journalist/truth seeker inside me after all.