make the most of media coverage

You Just Received Great Media Coverage. Here’s How to Make the Most of It.

When we receive good news, our first inclination is naturally to share it with others. And the same thing applies when your company receives great media coverage, whether it’s pickup in The Wall Street Journal or an influential trade journal, a broadcast mention or a podcast appearance.

You’ve worked hard with your PR agency to secure this coverage; for B2B marketers and agencies, it’s a great feeling to see a great story go live. After all, survey after survey reinforces that earned media is more credible than advertising, and PR is essential for marketing success.

Now is not the time to sit back and rest on your laurels, though. Instead, it’s time to swing into action to make the most of your press coverage. And here’s a checklist that will help you do it.

Promote Coverage Internally

Start by posting about the media mention (with a URL) on company social media profiles. Be sure to tag the publication, as well as the thought leader and/or journalist. This will further extend the visibility of your post to reach those who may follow the publication, journalist or company spokesperson.

Your next steps should include the following:

  • Communicate to employees via email or internal messenger (Slack, Teams), encouraging them to reshare the post or news to their networks. Provide a suggested caption they can use to help save time, or ask them to put their own spin on it. Provide any relevant company hashtags for easy copying and pasting. For example: “Please find a new post regarding XXX on our company page. Feel free to like and share via your private LinkedIn profiles (please use your own words if you would like to add text, otherwise it looks orchestrated).”
  • If the coverage is a byline article or executive quotation, draft a unique post for the author of the piece so they can share on their social channels too.
  • Share the article on your website, such as to a News or Coverage webpage.
  • Send the news to the sales and customer success teams. Encourage them to share with prospects and customers, too. Good press coverage will help enhance your company’s reputation with prospective clients, and existing customers will receive affirmation that they’ve made the right choice by working with your company.
  • Consider highlighting particularly exciting coverage in a newsletter or blog post.

One more thing for your post-coverage “to-do” list: take time to send an email or personal note thanking the editor or writer for covering your company. A simple “thank you” goes a long way in B2B communications, and you can offer to be a resource in the future as needed.

Gather Anecdotal Evidence Regarding Coverage Success

A couple of weeks after receiving this great coverage, ask the sales and customer success teams for any anecdotal feedback about the impact of media coverage on sales. This can sometimes be hard to measure, but the findings can help reinforce the value of PR coverage.

For example, our client Birdzi received more than a half dozen leads from a press release about a new customer implementation! You can also check out this blog post to learn more about using coverage to drive leads.

One of the things we enjoy most at Ketner Group is keeping tabs on client media coverage. In the last two weeks alone, our clients have garnered coverage in publications like Business Insider, The Wall Street Journal, Chain Store Age, eMarketer, Total Retail and others.

It’s validating (and a lot of fun) to see the results of our work. And we work with our clients every day to ensure they make the most of it!

To talk more about how we can help capture great coverage, contact us.

ai pr thought leadership

Building Thought Leadership in AI for Digital Wave Technology

How can a PR agency and client work together to build thought leadership and drive market awareness in the world’s most crowded technology sector? And furthermore, how can a company differentiate itself and stand out in a sea of noisy competitors?

Those are the challenges that we at Ketner Group and our client Digital Wave Technology are tackling as we work together to differentiate the company’s AI-native solutions for consumer brands.

As I wrote in a recent blog, there’s an overwhelming amount of noise in the media about AI today. Is there a technology company out there that doesn’t claim to be an AI company?

As a PR agency, we’re acutely aware that editors and writers are looking for something new and different—and Digital Wave Technology offers a fresh take on AI.

Creating Differentiated Messaging

Digital Wave has the kind of story that is resonating with the media, thanks to an AI-native platform and an approach to AI that is radically different from others.

As we’ve worked together to craft and refine the message, the story has taken shape through thought leadership bylined articles, press releases and other earned media. Our team has worked to generate strong media coverage, from WWD and Yahoo!Finance to Chain Store Age, Retail Brew, Consumer Goods Technology, Retail TouchPoints, Drug Store News, Total Retail and many others.

Digital Wave has made the most of every piece of earned media, too, amplifying it on LinkedIn and other channels and creating a high level of social media engagement.

Having a good story is essential for building thought leadership, and so is the presence of a strong CEO. Lori Schafer, the company’s CEO, is a prime example of how a leader can help build a company’s market presence. She has a strong vision for the company, a deep understanding of technology and consumer industries, and compelling viewpoints on AI—key ingredients for PR success.

Recognition Through Industry Awards

Our team has worked with Digital Wave to secure a number of industry awards, at both the individual and company level.

As I write this, Lori has just returned from the P2PLive event, where she received the Path to Purchase Institute’s Women of Excellence Award for Technology, in recognition of leadership and innovation in advancing commerce marketing. This is on top of other awards this year, including being named as one of RETHINK Retail’s Top AI Leaders in Retail and a Top Retail Expert (along with another Digital Wave executive, Sandy DeFelice).

Digital Wave is currently a finalist for two Vendor in Partnership awards, including Best Breakthrough Technology Solution, with winners to be named at the 2025 National Retail Federation Big Show in January. “Partnership” is the key word here, as Digital Wave Technology has been winning deals and building partnerships with some of the best-known brands in the world.

Celebrating Our Communications Partnership

“Working with Ketner Group has allowed us to amplify our message and highlight the unique capabilities of our AI-native ONE™ platform and enterprise solutions. Together, we’re shaping industry conversations and expanding our market presence,” says Sara Meza, chief digital officer at Digital Wave Technology.

PR agency relationships are partnerships, too. Building a great partnership takes collaboration, creative thinking and a lot of hard work, both from the client and the agency.

That’s the kind of relationship we strive to create with all our clients, and we’re grateful to work with innovative companies like Digital Wave Technology.

To connect with us to learn more, contact us.

ai retail tech pr

AI and Retail Tech PR: Three Things to Remember

It’s hard to believe that today’s AI revolution started only 18+ months ago. That’s when OpenAI publicly released ChatGPT, forever changing the technology landscape by fueling an exponential wave of technology innovation.

We’ve seen firsthand the impact of AI in retail technology. NRF 2024 could easily have been rebranded “NRFAI,” as AI was everywhere and anywhere. But now there’s been a shift in emphasis about AI, which is moving from the “what” of AI (what it is and how it works) to the “so what” (what does it mean for your business?).

In terms of AI’s impact on the retail industry, our friends at IHL Group, a retail research and advisory firm, have done an excellent job of quantifying the financial benefits.

IHL has estimated that the top 200 publicly traded North American retailers and restaurants could see $1.5 trillion in additional financial impact from AI through 2029, with Amazon and Walmart alone accounting for more than a third of that. The firm’s “Retail AI Readiness Index” noted that nearly half of that will be created by generative AI.

Those are mind-boggling numbers. However, the “big picture” view of AI in retail is only part of the story. What’s needed now are stories about the real-world results and ROI of AI implementations. As IHL president/chief AI officer Greg Buzek says, “How are retailers really using it, with case study examples?”

That’s where we come in, as PR storytellers. However, given the unprecedented hype around AI, it’s important to keep these three things in mind when developing your PR strategy.

1. Skip the PR-speak about AI

Eliminate the buzzwords when you’re pitching editors. Most of them are burned out from AI fatigue, as this recent article from Fast Company makes clear. It’s worth quoting at length here:

“We are officially reaching the phase in the tech cycle where a new technology (in this case, artificial intelligence) goes from truly wondrous to truly annoying. Every organization now seems to be using it—or the idea of it—to ride the hype wave to achieve attention, clicks, or, you know, just a few more customers. And it’s starting to annoy the hell out of me.

“I can’t tell you how many pitches I receive from some poor comms person who is forced to proudly exclaim in the first sentence ‘We’re an AI-first company.’ Yeah, you and everyone else since, oh, early 2023.”

As the writer goes on to say, all the noise around AI can obscure the innovative work being done by the technology companies that are truly at the forefront of AI. These are the stories that the industry needs to hear.

2. Remember the media needs real-world AI stories

Exciting AI stories are quickly emerging. The industry’s largest retailers, grocers, restaurants and brands are actively sharing their own AI successes.

A recent Chain Store Age article detailed AI innovations in personalization from Best Buy (personalized mobile promotions), Reebok (personalized products) and leading regional grocers that have implemented personalized discounts, including Northeast Grocery, which uses an AI analytics, personalization and customer engagement platform from our client Birdzi.

While the largest tech vendors may dominate the headlines, some of the most innovative AI solutions for retailers are from earlier-stage technology companies.

These technology vendors have built AI platforms and solutions from the ground up (our client Digital Wave Technology is a prime example), rather than simply adding generative AI solutions to a legacy product portfolio.

The work these companies are doing is truly newsworthy.

3. Keep PR front and center in your marketing strategy

A recent Digiday article detailed how marketers are shifting the budgets away from pure performance marketing to focus more on brand building, including earned media. That’s where PR comes in.

There are unique challenges for PR agencies in telling AI stories. Some retailers and brands may be reluctant to disclose how they’re using AI solutions, as they consider it a competitive advantage. There’s an incredible amount of noise to cut through. Editors are bombarded with AI pitches, as we’ve noted earlier.

Yet there are plenty of opportunities to get your message across: thought leadership content, bylined articles, media pitching, recognition through industry awards, industry events and more, always amplifying your earned media wins through social media and marketing.

These are among the many PR tactics the Ketner Group team uses to get the word out for our clients, and it works.

AI innovation is moving at an extraordinary pace, creating plenty of opportunities for creative storytelling that explains the real benefits of AI. Make sure your company is part of those stories!

pr ageny readiness checklist takeaways

Introducing “The PR Agency Readiness Checklist” With Three Important Takeaways

As a PR agency that specializes in helping retail technology companies gain exposure in their areas of expertise and expand their share of market, we know what it takes to set our clients up for long-term success.

The reality is that, when done right, a solid PR program can provide major value to tech companies. Strategic communications can:

  • Increase recognition of a company’s brand and thought leadership.
  • Provide validation among peers, media and analysts.
  • Generate sales leads and support long sales cycles.

But how does a tech company know if they are truly ready to invest in a PR program?

The answer is in our latest eBook: “The PR Agency Readiness Checklist.

Whether you are an early-stage innovator or an established solutions provider, this new eBook provides the five key steps we recommend you take in preparation for embarking on a true PR partnership.

In celebration of its launch, we’re sharing three takeaways from the eBook.

1. Identifying marketing goals is of the upmost priority

If you take away anything from this blog (or eBook!), remember this:

“Without a marketing plan, you don’t know where PR fits in. Without a marketing team, you can’t properly direct a PR agency.”

Before even considering a PR strategy, retail tech companies must first establish their overall goals, such as lead generation, acquisition or brand awareness. Then, they must develop a marketing plan incorporating the various strategies and tactics to achieve those goals.

2. Getting the green light from the executive team is essential

We get asked all the time what makes a great agency/client partnership. Of course, things like two-way collaboration and transparency are important, but executive support is always at the top of our list.

In our experience, c-level executives have a variety of reasons why they may not be excited to bring in outside PR support. Some have been previously burned by a PR relationship, others are just not comfortable with dedicating budget to PR.

Our 20+ years working with retail technology companies have taught us that without executive buy-in, a PR program will flounder before it has even begun.

As key spokespeople and subject matter experts, a company CEO and other executives have a wealth of knowledge and insights they can bring to the PR table. By giving a PR partner access to the executive team, an agency team can provide a more proactive and strategic approach to PR success, rather than reactionary responses.

3. Finding the right PR agency inspires a true partnership

The PR agency/solution provider partnership is just like any relationship – you must find the right match. It’s essential to align your values and preferences.

When evaluating PR agencies, retail tech companies should consider qualities like skillset, agency location and size, and of course expertise.

At Ketner Group, we are 100% specialized in the retail technology ecosystem, working with companies in sectors such as supply chain, ecommerce, payment solutions, merchandising and in-store experiences.

Partnering with a specialist agency that focuses on one category is often beneficial to organizations, as specialty agencies have developed long-term relationships with influencers, the media and industry analysts in their space.

Keeping “The PR Agency Readiness Checklist” handy

Whether you are just starting a search for a PR agency or thinking about bringing on agency support next year, we encourage you to keep this checklist handy (and download here!).

Still have questions on PR agency support?

We’d love to keep the conversation going! Contact us today to find out how we can help support your marketing and communications goals.

upgrade content with pr agency

Want To Upgrade Your Content? Tips For Partnering With an Agency

Content, like blogs and whitepapers, is a valuable asset for you as a marketer for a B2B retail tech business. It can be used for sales meetings, prospect outreach, discoverability on search or social media, and more. Yet content can often fall to the back burner when other marketing deliverables take priority.

That’s why many B2B companies turn to a communications agency like ours to help them deliver more, stronger pieces of content. Sometimes this collaboration is a company’s introduction to working with us. Other times it’s how a client seeks additional support and expands their partnership with us.

Whether this is your first time working with a communications agency on content or your tenth, a few tips and tricks can help make the most of the partnership before, during, and after the content is created.

Considerations before bringing on an agency for content support

Before you choose to partner with an agency, you must first decide what types of content you need and on what topics. This will require a conversation with leadership as well as your sales team.

Next, you will want to determine your business’ tone and the type of content you wish to present. At Ketner Group, we have worked with B2B retail tech solution providers who prefer a casual tone aimed at a variety of business leaders. Other Ketner Group clients choose to appear more formal, delivering technical blog posts and e-books that intrigue an IT-focused audience.

Some of our clients have even created a tone document to guide our writing to fit their desired branding. This can include details on:

  • Keywords to use for SEO,
  • Words not to use,
  • Preferences on stylistic options like hyphenated solution terms,
  • And more.  

The more information you can provide an agency about the content you’re looking for and your brand, the more effective the partnership will be.

How to foster true content collaboration with an agency

Once you’ve determined your goals for content and established a relationship with a communications agency, it’s time to get started!

The client relationship contact, usually a member of the marketing team, will want to share all marketing materials including calendars to ensure the content aligns with the business’s ongoing strategy. 

Then, the content development begins! The ideation can occur in two ways. You can:

  1. Share a topic and outline with the content agency.
  2. Request that the content team bring topic ideas to the table based on existing marketing materials.

For example, some Ketner Group clients provide topics with an outline, keywords to prioritize and sources to cite. For longer-form content like e-books and whitepapers, this approach is preferred.

Other companies choose to let us develop an idea and then we’ll schedule an input call with the appropriate subject matter expert (SME) to answer any questions we have about the topic. This approach works well for blogs and bylines.

Once the topic is identified, your agency will draft the content and work through one or two rounds of reviews. This process ensures that the content is beneficial and accurately represents your company’s brand and point of view.

Make the most of an agency partnership

Even once the content is finalized, the work is just beginning. To leverage the content’s full potential once it’s published, then you should promote it far and wide, including:

  • On social media,
  • In newsletters,
  • In sales teams’ interactions with prospective customers,
  • And more.

These promotional options mimic those of other media coverage, such as press releases, byline articles or media mentions.

Finally, it’s important to share feedback with your agency regarding key metrics of the digital content like click-through rates, time spent on the page, most viewed links, and if the content has spurred lead generation. This feedback is critical to the ongoing support of the partnership as both parties learn what is and isn’t resonating with the target audience.

By maximizing the use of the content and sharing detailed feedback, B2B businesses can make the most of their content partnerships with communications agencies.

Are you ready to start a content-focused agency partnership?

Ketner Group has tremendous experience supporting our B2B retail tech partners with a wide variety of content needs from bylines and blogs to whitepapers and e-books.

In fact, we even won a MarCom award for helping Adlucent create an e-book called “Getting the Most out of Amazon Prime Day 2019.”.

If you’re looking to kickstart a content program or take your content to the next level, reach out to Ketner Group today.

press release drive demand

Three Tips for Drafting a Press Release That Drives Demand

When a tech company has an exciting announcement to share, many turn to press releases without a second thought.

After all, press releases are an effective way to share news, reach a wide variety of audiences and increase SEO. But the reality is, the impact of a press release can vary widely based on how engaging and newsworthy the announcement is.

At Ketner Group, it’s an understatement to say we draft a lot of press releases. And we’ve learned a thing or two (or three) about making this promotional tool as effective as possible.

Let’s discuss three best practices for developing press releases that earn a reader’s attention and drive technology company demand.

1. Don’t get ahead of yourself with your news

Before you start drafting a press release, take a step back and ensure that the announcement is newsworthy and engaging to the target audience. Issuing a press release over the wire can be expensive, so this channel should be used sparingly.

In fact, we don’t always recommend that a press release is distributed over the wire. If you’re announcing a recent award win that was sponsored by a publication, for example, this release should be distributed via web only, as other media outlets likely won’t cover it.

At Ketner Group, we determine whether to draft a press release (and identify what details to include if we do) by first creating a questionnaire. This document encourages our clients to consider a few key criterion, including:

  • What do you want this press release to accomplish? The answer might be to earn media coverage, increase SEO or establish new leads.
  • Who is your target audience for this release? For our technology clients, this can be retailers generally, or more specifically it could be chief technology officers at large specialty retailers.
  • Are there any data points that we can use to substantiate the claims or relevancy? This can include company research, customer success metrics and more.
  • Do you have external validation? We always recommend referencing relevant analyst reports or quoting an outside source like a customer or a partner.

After this exercise, sometimes we conclude that there isn’t enough news for a press release. For example, if a technology provider is ready to announce a new solution, but they don’t have a customer or success metrics to point to, the release may not resonate with retail technology media.

If that’s the case, that’s ok! It doesn’t mean the news isn’t exciting. It just means that the best channel for sharing the news might be a pitch or a company blog instead of a press release.

Asking tough questions early in the process saves our clients time and money while ensuring the news is told effectively.  

2. Every section of the press release matters

Press releases are formulaic in nature. They always contain a headline, a subhead, a dateline, a quote, a boilerplate and contact information. But despite this, well-written and thoughtful press releases can still stand out from the noise.

First, the headline must intrigue the viewer to continue reading. The headline should preview the most exciting part of the news. More details should be featured in the subheading to prove the validity of the headline.

Next, the body of the release should be engaging and tell a full story. We’ve found that a company quote is a great way to highlight the most important parts of the story, while using the tone of the appropriate subject matter expert. The quote should be substantive. The best releases avoid using superfluous phrases like “we’re excited to announce XYZ,” opting instead to focus on the key messaging.

Finally, the release must end with a compelling call to action. Viewers who read through the press release are likely invested in the story you’re telling, meaning they may want to continue learning more or asking questions. Directing these viewers towards a clear next step can establish important connections for a business.

3. Word choice is everything in a press release

The messaging in a press release must be precise and impactful. Writers must get to the point quickly while using the right language to showcase how unique this story is and why it matters.

When it comes to a press release detailing a new product announcement, make sure to mirror the product language found on the website and sales sheets. This ensures that brand identity remains cohesive across touch points.

What’s more, releases are great for search engine optimization. This means that every release should incorporate key words that the business wants to associate with its brand.

Press releases should also avoid jargon, making sure everyone within the target audience can understand the news.

So, you want to distribute a press release? Let’s talk.

The press release is a tried-and-true promotional tool for a reason, but these best practices can enhance the impact.

Are you looking to take your announcements to the next level? At Ketner Group, we take pride in the entire process from the initial release draft to the final distribution. After that, we support our clients as they create a well-rounded strategic communications program that attracts attention from key stakeholders through a variety of channels.

We’d love to work with you to make the most of every press release. Contact us today to learn more.

pr readiness blog

A Frank Question: Are You REALLY Ready for PR?

As a PR professional with almost 25 years of experience creating and executing successful communications strategies for my clients, I do feel it is my duty to address a big elephant in the room. Some of you may just not be ready for PR. And that is ok! 

As with anything in life, just because you think you might be ready to do something–it does not mean that you should do it.

Let’s start with what PR is and what it is not. PR should be a critical component to your overall marketing mix, not just something that operates in a separate silo. You can not turn PR off and on at any time. This approach will not get you the results you want.

The right PR plan with the right financial investment and executive support can yield tremendous results for your company. But, if you don’t have these things in place, you’ll be wasting precious time and money. 

Before you make the decision to include PR into your marketing strategy, I urge you to consider the following: 

What are your PR goals?

Just like any part of your business, if you decide you want to focus on PR, it is critical to know what you want from your PR program.

Questions to consider include:

  • What are your overarching PR goals? And how do they fit into your overall marketing strategy?
  • Are you looking to secure your next round of funding? How will that contribute to your PR strategy?
  • Do you want to promote your CEO as a thought leader and go-to resource? Or does your company need more overall brand awareness? 

Whatever the answers are, PR always works best with clearly defined goals.

As a PR agency, we find that having clear goals allows us to recommend the best tactics – such as bylined articles, speaking engagements or rapid response pitching – to get your company in front of key stakeholders and influencers.

Without goals, your PR program will not be set up for long-term success. 

Are you prepared to give your PR program the time it needs?

In a fast-paced world, we are all accustomed to getting the things we want immediately. (Thanks, Amazon!) But I’m here to tell you, if you don’t know already, PR does not and has never worked that way. Anyone that tells you differently is just selling you a bill of goods. 

The benefits of PR accrue over time. Enhancing your company’s reputation doesn’t happen overnight.

When we first engage with a client, we always work to secure initial quick wins by leveraging our industry expertise and media relationships. But we are always upfront and transparent with our clients, especially when it comes to landing bigger top-tier stories. 

You must trust in the process and know that with the right strategy and tactics in place, the stories will land, and you’ll be glad that you let PR do its job!

Is your ENTIRE team ready to commit to PR?

This might be the most important thing to consider when thinking about investing in PR. We look at PR as a team effort! If there are only one or two people in your organization that care and pay attention to the PR program, it is likely to be doomed from the start. 

You need an internal champion for PR and a committed executive team.

I am a firm believer that a successful communications program requires buy-in from the executive level on down. When it comes to PR, your key executive spokespersons should have an understanding of what is expected of them.

BONUS TIP: I would also highly recommend involving your sales team as SME experts for your PR team. The more buy-in on you have from the right members of your organization, the more successful your PR efforts will be!

PR is worth the investment if you are ready and committed!

I’m not just drinking the PR Kool-Aid when I say that PR is most certainly worth the investment!

I’ve seen dozens and dozens of our clients utilize their PR programs with us in the right way, and it has landed them the end-results they were seeking. We’ve also talked to a ton of other companies, who we would have loved to work with, but ultimately recommended to them that a PR program is not a fit at that time. 

When a company takes the time to “do the work” when it comes to PR, the ROI will make the marketing team look like heroes and will give your company the recognition and attention it deserves.

If you’re looking to build a high-impact, comprehensive PR program, the Ketner Group team would love connect! Download our Retail Tech PR Handbook to learn more about our best-practice approach to retail technology PR or schedule some time with us!

speaking awards retail tech pr

3 Reasons Why Speaking and Awards Should Be Part of Your PR Strategy

Texans love their H-E-B. The beloved grocer was recently named the Ultimate Texas Brand by Texas Monthly readers, who overwhelmingly crowned H-E-B the winner over 49 other iconic Texas brands including Dairy Queen, Whataburger, Buc-ee’s, Southwest Airlines (that holiday scheduling fiasco didn’t help) and many others.

Why H-E-B? It all boils down to an incredible corporate reputation that’s authentic and well-earned. It’s what every company, both B2C and B2B, strives for.

That’s why building a great brand is a cornerstone of public relations. As a B2B retail tech PR agency, our goal is to help our clients break through the clutter and create the kind of brand reputation that can give them an edge in a crowded field of technology vendors.

Speaking and awards play a vital role in this, and they’re an important part of a well-rounded, strategic PR program.

When your company wins an award or an executive is selected to speak at a conference, it sends a powerful message to customers, prospects, investors and future employees.

1. Build thought leadership

Here are several ways that speaking and awards contribute to a successful PR strategy.

Speaking at a key retail event gives your company instant credibility. When one of your customers or company executives takes center stage at Shoptalk, NRF or another prominent retail conference, you gain a captive audience that’s eager to learn about your solutions and how your company can help retailers improve performance.

Every event has its own requirements for speaking submissions, and while many opportunities are free, some are paid. Our team knows the ins and outs of all the key retail events, and we provide expert guidance to our clients as part of their overall PR strategy.

Awards also build thought leadership for your company and its executives.

For example, RIS News recognized Michael Jaszczyk, CEO of our client GK Americas, as one of its Top 10 Movers and Shaker in Retail in 2022, positioning him as one of a elite group of top retail influencers, and our client SymphonyAI Retail CPG was recently recognized as a top 100 IT company by Inbound Logistics, among many other awards.

These are powerful testimonies of a company’s thought leadership and position as a retail tech provider, and we can share dozens of other examples.

2. Highlight customer successes

Retailers love to hear how your company’s solutions have helped other retailers. There’s no better proof point than a customer that’s willing to share their success with your solutions.

Many speaking opportunities are only open to retailers, but it’s well worth it for retail tech companies to nominate their customers as speakers.

Retailers are eager to learn from other successful retailers, and your executives can attend the event and participate in the discussions that ultimately follow successful speaking opportunities. That in turn can lead to follow-up conversations and ultimately help drive sales.

Awards may focus on specific customer implementations, while others, such as the RIS Leaderboard, are based on real-world customer feedback from hundreds of retailers. This kind of recognition builds credibility and guides retailers in choosing possible retail technology partners. It can pay big dividends, too.

For example, when one of our former clients was acquired by a large technology company, the press release specifically mentioned our client’s outstanding performance in the Leaderboard, which was one of our key strategies for building their brand reputation.

3. Demonstrate growth and momentum

Everyone loves a winner. That’s why prestigious awards such as the Deloitte Fast 50 and the Inc. 5000, which recognizes America’s fastest growing companies, are so important. These are highly selective awards! But if your retail tech company is a leader and growing quickly, awards such as these can validate your success and lift you above the competition. We’ve helped many of our clients win these kinds of prestigious awards.

Of course, speaking and awards don’t exist in a vacuum – they must be part of a multifaceted, strategic PR program that includes media relations, content development, analyst relations, social media and other elements. A great PR program must work synergistically with a company’s overall marketing plan and business goals.

So when your company wins an award or secures a high-visibility speaking engagement, shout it from the rooftop!

Incorporate it into your social media and sales outreach, feature it prominently on your website and include it in sales presentations. In some cases, a significant award may be newsworthy enough for a press release.

Put your company in the spotlight

If you’re looking to build a high-impact, comprehensive PR program, the Ketner Group team would love to talk to you! Download our Retail Tech PR Handbook to learn more about our best-practice approach to retail technology PR, then get in touch with us.

We look forward to hearing from you.


Celebrating Women’s History Month and Women Who Tell Our Stories

This year, the theme of Women’s History Month is “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories.”

As storytellers working for a PR agency and spending a lot of time telling stories, we find the theme particularly relevant and inspiring.

Each year, Ketner Group’s DEI Committee selects a few, team-voted monthly observances to recognize. This year, Women’s History Month is one of them. In celebration, our team is meeting via Zoom this week and each team member will present a short slide on a famous female figure of their choice.

To keep the celebration going, we thought it would be fun share more about the women we’re featuring and why they inspire our work. Here’s what we learned…

Agatha Christie inspires Jenny to connect with an audience

Jenny Bradford, account executive out of our NYC office, said she choose to highlight Agatha Christie, “because her writing has been an inspiration for me ever since I first read her exceptional detective mysteries.

“As someone who loves to write and tell stories for our clients, I always admire strong female wordsmiths and their ability to connect with an audience.”

Agatha Christie, or the “Queen of Crime,” is the best-selling fiction writer of all-time. Her work is only outsold by Shakespeare and the Bible. She wrote 66 detective novels and 17 short stories before her death in 1976, and her play “Mousetrap” is the longest-running play of all time.

Jenny is a big mystery lover, and “And Then There Was None” is one of her favorite books. If you’ve never read an Agatha Christie book, she recommends this New York Times guide to help you identify where to start.

Catherine admires Anna May Wong’s true grit

Our president Catherine Seeds will share more about Anna May Wong during our presentations to the Ketner Group team. Wong Liu Tsong, known professionally as Anna May Wong, was an American actress, considered the first Chinese-American movie star in Hollywood, as well as the first Chinese-American actress to gain international recognition.

Anna May Wong was the daughter of Chinese Americans who ran a laundry in downtown Los Angeles and grew up watching film crews. She worked as an extra starting at age 13, beginning with “The Red Lantern” in 1919. She faced racism because of her Chinese heritage and was underpaid compared to her white co-stars.

“While I can’t relate to the challenges and racism that Anna May Wong faced as a Chinese-American, I whole-heartedly admire her true grit, determination and desire to keep going – I try to remember that when things get hard in my work life,” said Catherine. “No matter what she was facing, Anna May never gave up and worked hard to cement her legacy.”

To learn more about Anna May Wong, Catherine recommends mobituaries, “Anna May Wong: Death of a Trailblazer.”

Kathleen Hanna reminds Jenna of the importance of expressing yourself

Jenna Jordan, account supervisor based in Austin, TX selected Kathleen Hanna, the lead singer of Bikini Kill to feature.

Bikini Kill was one of the most influential female punk bands and Kathleen Hanna was a pioneer of third-wave feminism through the Riot Grrrl movement in the 1990s. Before “Girl Power” was popular, Riot Grrls made it punk.

Case in point? Kathleen Hanna has been known for saying, “I’m not going to sit around and be peace and love with somebody’s boot on my neck.”

As for Jenna, she says about Kathleen Hanna, “Being an introvert in the communications world, Kathleen’s loud persona is a reminder of the importance of expressing yourself, and that there’s no one definition of what that means. She is all about finding ways to make your voice heard, and that translates in my day-to-day work when it comes to telling client stories.”

Sally Mann inspires me with her portraits

As for me, our VP of marketing working remote from Atlanta, GA, I selected Sally Mann to highlight. Sally Mann is one of America’s most renowned photographers.

Personally, I love the challenge of writing in a specific brand or person’s voice, capturing them uniquely. Mann’s portraits are a master class in capturing someone authentically.

While her work includes portraits as well as landscapes, my favorite (and what she is sometimes best-known for) are the pictures she began taking of her family in the 1980s. These pictures are complex visions of childhood, intimate family portraits that capture the photographed and reflect the mother behind the lens.

A mother myself, I was struck in my research by this quote of Sally Mann’s, “Having children…expanded the parameters beyond the decorative and opened up the tender as well as the political (in the broadest sense) side to my work.”

Continuing to be inspired by women storytellers

The Ketner Group team is lucky to have so many strong women storytellers as members of our communications agency and as part of our client base.

Women’s History Month is simply a month we acknowledge these women formally. The everyday work is in ensuring they (and each person we encounter) is valued each day.

measure success of communications strategy

How To Measure the Success of Your Communications Strategy

We’re excited to share that our eBook, the Retail Tech PR Handbook, is out now! The handbook dives into several aspects of what makes a PR campaign successful, and a key component is measurement.

Since measuring the success of your communications plans is as important as the plan itself, we’ve included highlights from the chapter below. To read the full eBook, download it here.

How to measure your communications strategy

As a marketer, you know firsthand the challenge of demonstrating communications success to executive leadership. It’s essential to put tangible numbers behind your work.

And, if you’re effective and proving PR’s value, you are more likely to ensure that communications secures its place in your company’s overall marketing strategy. Unfortunately, only 20% of PR professionals are involved in marketing planning.

To ensure that you receive your deserved seat at the table, let’s review two best practices for communications reporting.

1. Monthly media measurement

The most common method for measuring a PR strategy’s success is through media measurement tools, such as Cision or Meltwater.

Each tool has pros and cons, but overall they help you track your company’s mentions over time, while also identifying pickup reach, readership, social impact, keywords and more.

In addition to helping you understand the value of your media mentions, these platforms identify your share of voice in comparison to key competitors. We recommend tracking four to five competitors, which allows you to clearly identify how you stack up in your industry and receive inspiration from competitor campaigns.

By completing monthly media measurement, you’ll be able to evaluate campaign success and keep track of your progress towards your PR objectives.

2. Quarterly Key Performance Indicators (KPI) reporting

KPIs provide a fantastic way to track towards your overall company goals. We recommend identifying your KPIs when you develop your strategy, and then tracking them on a quarterly basis.

Setting quarterly goals, instead of monthly, allows you to account for the peaks and valleys of each month. PR has its ups and downs, with some months having more news than others. A quarterly goal averages out these discrepancies.

When you kick off your measurement strategy, you’ll want to establish KPIs through an audit, which provides a baseline report to identify ideal yet realistic goals.

Some examples of quarterly KPIs include:

  • Overall number of mentions
  • Number of byline articles published
  • Number of press release pickups
  • Number of data-focused mentions
  • Competitive SOV

There’s no right or wrong number of KPIs to track, but for reference, a Muckrack survey found that the average PR pro tracked five metrics in 2021.

How to create a results-driven PR strategy

The old adage that communications professionals “aren’t good at math” is not a good reason to get PR measurement wrong, or skip it altogether.

When done right, measuring PR ensures you’re able to keep your unique story in the forefront of the news, while tracking against overall marketing objectives, such as lead generation. And it also helps ensure that PR gets the respect it deserves from your company’s executive team.

To learn more about crafting a top-notch communications strategy, be sure to read the Retail Tech PR Handbook. Download here!