emilia Pashayeva kg intern

Introducing Emilia Pashayeva: Our Newest Intern

Hi, everyone! I’m Emilia, and I’m excited to introduce myself as Ketner Group’s Retail Tech Marketing Intern! I’m also currently a third-year Economics Major with a minor in Journalism and Media here at UT Austin.

Originally from Southern California, I didn’t think I’d find myself being a Longhorn, but now I can’t imagine it being any other way! I’ve had such a fun time exploring Austin and now can’t wait to see the city through a new lens at Ketner Group.

My educational background

I chose to study Economics because of the multifaceted social science that it is. Getting to explore the relationships between politics, culture, psychology, and business is my sweet spot!

I’m also a sucker for statistics. It’s always so rewarding getting to create interactive graphs and develop tangible actions from what was initially just a bunch of numbers.

In my first year, one of the big things drilled into Economics students like myself was to find a specific area of business to pursue. 

I naturally gravitated towards the world of marketing, advertising, and PR. To me, it was the most creative space, in which companies could directly connect with their audiences. 

emilia pashayeva

My early career

I was eager to dive into the professional world from my early weeks at UT where I could meet new people and learn new things.

Because of my initial interest in the entertainment space, I immediately found UT’s student-run station (KVRX 91.7 FM) and have been working there ever since. Recently, I became the Music Promotions Director!

Through this first job as a university student, I gained exposure and an understanding of the digital marketing landscape. I got to gather real-life engagement numbers from the back end, analyze them using what I’ve learned in my Economics classes, and translate my findings to inspire new marketing campaigns. 

Then heading into my junior year, I began to look for a role where I could learn even more. I attended all of UT’s career fairs and company events which is where I originally met Ketner Group!

What immediately stood out to me was how welcoming and passionate everyone on the KG team was. Ketner operated in an industry I was also very eager to get my feet wet in—tech and business. At the same time, I knew being part of an agency like Ketner Group would expose me to a variety of projects.

So far, I’ve had a great time exploring the retail tech space, new marketing softwares, and extensive PR databases, all alongside an experienced, dedicated, and curious team.

I’m excited to keep building upon my skills, networking in this industry, and seeing the success of my work through Ketner’s clients!

Ketner Group_Anne Webster

Get to Know Our New Account Supervisor: Anne Webster

Growing up, I was fascinated with the investigative journalists I saw on TV and read about in books. I pictured myself chasing stories that would reveal injustices, uncover corruption and expose wrongdoing. A champion for the truth, I would don a well-tailored blazer, microphone in one hand, notebook filled with insights and hard-earned facts in the other and bring to light what is often left in the dark.

But when my high school journalism teacher suggested I explore a career in public relations (PR), I was intrigued. PR, as it turns out, is just as strategic and powerful as investigative journalism, but with a more positive twist. Instead of just telling the story, you’re helping shape it. There’s something undeniably powerful about crafting a narrative that elevates, rather than exposes.

So, I traded my dream of investigative journalism for a new mission in PR, where I could still chase headlines, but this time to highlight the brands or people doing incredible work. I went on to earn my bachelor’s degree in journalism with a concentration in PR and a minor in marketing from Texas A&M University.

Accelerating business agendas for global brands

Since then, I’ve had the privilege of working with top global technology brands and emerging startups alike, shaping perceptions and accelerating business agendas. As a communications strategist, I’ve tackled everything from product launches and rebrands to executive positioning and company acquisitions.

Whether working alongside C-suite executives or mentoring up-and-coming PR pros, I’m passionate about helping businesses tell their stories in a way that truly connects. The best parts? Landing that coveted story placement in a top-tier media outlet. Or when a sales team closes a major deal because their story finally clicks with prospects.

Now, I’m thrilled to bring that passion and drive for results to Ketner Group’s esteemed clients. Working together with KG’s dynamic team of communications experts, I couldn’t be more excited to contribute to the amazing work happening here.

Revealing my Top Ten Titles, besides Media Matchmaker

Besides “Media Matchmaker” or “Communications Strategist,” I hold a few other titles that describe me well…

  1. Mom: I’m mom to two sons and a teacup Yorkie named Bandit.
  2. Native Texan: I embrace my Texas roots with pride (it’s practically a requirement).
  3. Home Gym Warrior: Working out in my home gym—aka my garage—is a top priority for my sanity. I love pushing myself, even when it feels like a sauna during the brutal Texas summers.
  4. Trail Conqueror: I relish the challenge of rugged hiking trails; the tougher, the better. Nothing beats conquering steeps inclines for that summit view with my husband and fellow adventurer.
  5. College Football Fan: Gig ‘em, Aggies!
  6. Salsa Connoisseur: If the salsa is good enough, you might catch me skipping the chips and going straight for a straw.
  7. Neat Freak: I have been known to regularly use a comb to smooth the fringe on my area rugs.
  8. Ambidextrous Anomaly: I write, eat and brush my teeth with my left hand. Everything else – catch, throw, swing a golf club, shoot a basketball, etc. is done with my right hand.
  9. Grammar Nerd: For the record, I’m a grammar nerd through and through, though I’ll take the AP style of comma usage over the Oxford comma any day. Blame it on my journalism degree.
  10. True Story Enthusiast: If a movie is “based on a true story,” I’m in! A documentary? Even better. I guess there’s still a little bit of that investigative journalist/truth seeker inside me after all.
lucy benish - ketner group

Introducing Lucy Benish: Our Newest Intern

Hello, everyone! My name is Lucy Benish, and I am so excited to join the Ketner Group team as a summer intern!

I am originally from the Chicago suburbs, but I go to school at Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. I am majoring in Creative and Entertainment Industries. My major choice was inspired by my upbringing, in which I participated in theatre and choir. I love that I can pursue entertainment both as a career and a hobby, as I still enjoy all things film, music and television.

Both my major and college have given me many amazing opportunities to further my career. I often volunteer at entertainment events around Nashville, helping with anything from talent escorting to ushering.

Last year, I even had the opportunity to attend the Grammy Awards as a red carpet talent escort! I am thankful for these moments that have cemented my love for entertainment and given me valuable experience in my career.

How Introduction to PR Principles started it all

I knew I belonged in public relations once I took my introductory PR course, Introduction to PR Principles. Writing has always been an interest of mine, both in school and as a hobby, so it was interesting learning how to turn this passion into a career.

My favorite part about public relations is the ability to form connections within the industry. I enjoy collaborating with other people, so I love how PR allows me to communicate with others and build relationships. 

Last year, I had the amazing opportunity to intern at Shore Fire Media, an entertainment PR firm, and I loved every minute of it! I appreciated how every day looked different, incorporating both the creative and structured sides of the public relations industry.

The ability to see my work come to fruition was something I particularly enjoyed, especially for clients and projects that I thoroughly admired. I will always remember the moment when I received my first press commitment!

Cue an internship with Ketner Group!

As much as I loved my last internship, I also knew that now was the time for me to push myself and try something new. Cue Ketner Group!

I began looking for an internship that would build on my past experience, but allow me to explore a new side of public relations. Through researching Ketner Group’s website and the world of retail technology, I learned that Ketner Group was just the place!

I am so excited to learn more about B2B tech and work with the KG team, who have already been so welcoming and supportive within my first week.

Fun facts about me

Now, what would be a proper introduction without some fun facts?

  • I taught myself how to crochet last year, and it is now one of my favorite hobbies!
  • I am a huge dog lover. My family has two dogs named Milo and Bruno, a Goldendoodle and a Neapolitan Mastiff. 
  • I made a goal during my freshman year to try every Nashville coffee shop before I graduate from Belmont.
  • And finally, I am so excited intern with the Ketner Group team!

Introducing Shay Edblom: Our Newest Intern

Hello, everyone! I’m Shay Edblom and I am currently in my last semester of college at The University of Texas at Austin. Hook ’em Horns! When deciding what to study in college, I followed my talent for writing into a public relations degree.

Throughout my time at UT, I picked up a business minor and joined the Texas Media and Analytics (TM&A) program. I have absolutely loved TM&A as it allowed me to delve deeply into different aspects in PR, including media buying, and I gained certifications in Amazon Ads, Google Ads and Google Analytics. I even had the opportunity to present an in-person pitch to Deloitte in 2023!

Early career experience

I started my career in public relations after meeting the marketing director of the local Austin start-up CLEAN Cause at a networking event. He encouraged me to create my own position at the company managing their TikTok. I enjoyed continuing to create content for my boss when he transferred to Electrolit, but making short-form video content wasn’t my dream. Over the summer I switched to agency life and participated in the Fellowship at Ketchum in Dallas with a focus in the healthcare industry.

As my college career comes to a close, I knew I wanted to have a spring internship to prepare for life post graduation. After working at Omnicom’s Ketchum, I wanted to experience a different side of the industry. Having never worked for a smaller agency before, I decided to apply for my current position at Ketner Group. I’m excited to gain knowledge about the B2B tech industry and get a lot of hands on experience this spring.

Outside of the office

Enough about school and work, here is a jumble of fun facts about me:

  • I recently decided to become a runner (not my strong suit) and I love a good workout class whether it be F45, hot yoga, etc.
  • Thrifting is a passion of mine, and my closet is mostly curated from the best pieces I’ve found.
  • I recently found myself picking up canning as a hobby. Quite random, but I canned my own pumpkin for pumpkin pie and recently pickled my own red onions.
  • I’d consider myself a very amateur artist and like to sketch, paint, and am learning how to draw on my iPad. Below are the results of a painting class I took with my mom.

There is so much more, and I look forward to diving in and becoming part of this awesome team!

Matthew Boncosky - ketner group

Get To Know Matthew Boncosky, Ketner Group’s New Account Coordinator

Hello everyone! My name is Matthew Boncosky, and I’m the latest and greatest member to join the Ketner Group team full-time!

It feels great being able to put that into words.

If you already recognize my name, that’s because you might have read my first introduction on the KG blog when I began as an intern in May. Give that a read if you want to learn more about my background and how I ended up at Ketner Group.

Now, it’s been over six months since that blog went live, so what has happened in the meantime? Well, a lot, as you might imagine.

What I’ve been up to at Ketner Group

After graduating from The University of Texas at Austin in May, Ketner Group welcomed me into the world of PR with open arms. My main goal was to gain some real-world communications experience that would set me up for a career in the field.

Like others have aptly written on this blog, being an intern at KG is the real deal. From the beginning, I was tasked with handling items that directly impacted the work that Ketner Group did for its clients. Over time, I was gradually given more and more responsibility, and by the time fall rolled around, I had been onboarded onto multiple client accounts.

I was doing real work, helping to tell the stories of Ketner Group’s clients while feeling like a true member of the team. My experience was more than everything that I hoped it would be. Oh, and I also got to make ice cream in a bag and solved a murder mystery with my team.

Professionally, I learned and accomplished everything that I wanted as an intern here. But in the process, I realized that Ketner Group was much more than just an internship or a part-time job, which is why I was so happy when a full-time offer was extended my way.

Why I wanted to stay at Ketner Group

Ketner Group does a fantastic job at exceeding client expectations. Therefore, it’s the perfect spot for me to begin my career and build on the skills and expertise I’ve already begun to develop in the field of retail tech. Now, I can’t go into a store without thinking what point-of-sale solutions, inventory management software or store optimization program the retailer is using behind the scenes, and I think that’s so cool.

While all that is great, what really sealed the deal for me about KG is the culture that has been established here. Ketner Group is an agency, and as someone new to PR, I heard many tales about how agency life can be overwhelming and take over one’s life and non-work hours. That’s not the case at Ketner Group.

Yes, Ketner Group works hard and there’s a lot of important work to get done. But Ketner Group also knows how to relax, take a step back and have some genuine fun from time to time. It truly feels like those around me care about my well-being and who I am as a person, and it’s why I love logging on each day and seeing pictures from everyone’s weekend or hotly debating the merits of candy corn.

Long story short, I’m just thrilled to begin my career at Ketner Group, and I can’t wait to jump right in.

Matthew Boncosky - kg

Finally, a little more about me

Those who know me well know I’ve always loved sports, so when I’m not crafting bylines or connecting with media at work, I can often be found playing sports, attending a game or match, discussing the latest news or watching the night’s biggest event on TV. I’ll never turn down the chance to talk about what makes a ballpark great or why tennis is a fantastic spectator sport.

I also love to travel and explore. Whether that’s as small as finding a new local haunt or as big as figuring out my next travel destination, I love experiencing and learning from all the world has to offer. If anyone has food recs, feel free to send them my way.

Matthew Boncosky - account coordinator
bernice chen ketner group

Introducing Bernice Chen: Our Newest Intern

Hello, world!

My name is Bernice Chen, and I’m a senior public relations student at The University of Texas at Austin.

I’m excited to be starting my internship with Ketner Group!

How it all began: landing on public relations

I was born in Taiwan, one of the best places on the planet, but I’ve lived in Austin for around 14 years – which, in case you’re wondering, has not made me more resistant to the current heat.

Attending UT was a natural choice for me in many ways, but majoring in public relations wasn’t as easy of a decision. When I was young, I wanted to pursue computer science. I learned coding languages and everything I could about the tech industry. But in high school, I had the tough realization that programming had lost its spark for me.

Searching for something to pivot to, I landed on public relations.

The truth is, I had always engaged in communication, from student press to debate club. However, it wasn’t until I shifted focus that I recognized my passion for the field. Since then, I’ve been resolved to study PR and use what I learn to weave compelling stories for organizations that are leaving a positive mark on the world.


My (ongoing) college years at UT

The Moody College of Communication is one of the top communication schools in the nation, and I’ve had amazing opportunities there to learn and grow as a PR professional.

Joining The Daily Texan, UT’s student newspaper, gave me hands-on social media experience and a close-knit community of hardworking peers. Since my junior year, I’ve also enjoyed working as a coach for the Moody Writing Support Program, supporting other students with their assignments and writing skills.

I have found a way to feed my love of numbers and research through a certificate in applied statistical modeling. And outside of school, I’ve had incredible internships with BerlinRosen and Dell Technologies that have helped open my eyes to the public relations and communication field. It’s been a fascinating adventure.

Even though I’m all-in on PR, my broader interest in technology has remained. It’s one of the reasons I was drawn to Ketner Group and their specialization in retail tech. As I learned more about the company’s friendly work culture and emphasis on work-life balance, I knew Ketner would be a perfect environment to continue building my storytelling skills. And even though I’ve only just started, I’m so eager to work with and learn from this team.

A peek into my personal interests

When I’m not working or finishing my class assignments, I’m playing video games or reading. I’ve rediscovered a love for science fiction and fantasy books, especially after taking a course about climate fiction in my freshman year. I’m also extremely passionate about sustainability and environmental issues.

I look forward to challenging myself and honing my skills at Ketner Group!

abby nelson - ketner group AC

Get To Know Abby Nelson, Ketner Group’s Newest Account Coordinator

Hello readers! My name is Abby Nelson, and I am a brand new full-time member of Team Awesome. 

Once upon a time, i.e. five months ago, I started my first ever, agency-side internship with Ketner Group. I remember feeling intimidated by the retail technology niche. I was trekking into an unknown world of artificial intelligence and tech jargon. Having no idea what to expect, I was just grateful to have a part-time job that accompanied my last semester as a college student at UT

Somehow Ketner Group made its mark on me, and next thing I knew, I applied for an account coordinator opening. Spoiler alert: I got the job. 

Why did I return to Ketner Group?

Internships can be tough. Sometimes interns sit around in a cubicle waiting to be assigned a task. Sometimes they’re heads down for 40 hours a week without so much as a nod. 

Luckily, Ketner Group was neither of those experiences.

As an intern, I was seen and heard. I was also challenged. My superiors entrusted tasks to me that ultimately led me to feel capable. In a niche like ours, that’s a hard feat to accomplish. From onboarding to offboarding, Ketner Group made every process smooth and clear.

Ultimately, that is why I stayed. I want to continue to be challenged, and I want to be part of the culture that they have built.

Personally, I love to make noise

I love discovering the ins and outs of my city. Austin, Texas is the perfect place to live because it is impossible to get bored; my list of places to try and activities to do grows longer every day. Please feel free to email me recommendations for Italian food, frozen margaritas and scenic walks. I’m all ears!

On a personal note, one of the biggest things to understand about me is that I love to make noise. I talk a lot. I sing even more. If you catch me on a good day, I might even perform an original rap or two. I can’t, however, guarantee I won’t give you secondhand embarrassment.

Professionally, I make noise with PR

Public relations is the ability to make noise on a grand scale. It may not directly be my voice that is heard, but through the relationships I build and the content I write, parts of it always end up shining through.

What makes that even better: I am able to tell the stories of my clients in the process.

abby nelson family
matthew boncosky intern

Introducing Matthew Boncosky: Our Newest Intern

It’s been a little while since I’ve published a piece of writing under my name. By a little while I mean about six months, but those six months have been a welcome reprieve.

That’s because for three and a half of the last four years, I was immersed in the hectic but rewarding world of sports journalism.

I arrived at the University of Texas as a wide-eyed freshman with goals of becoming the next hot-shot, up-and-coming sports journalist, with my path set towards a career writing and talking about sports for a living.

My background in journalism

Attending UT was practically a no-brainer for someone like me who grew up in Texas and wanted to pursue sports journalism.

The J-School in the Moody College of Communication is the best in the state and one of the best in the nation, and Texas boasts one of the most prominent, iconic and successful athletic programs in the country. It was the perfect place to make a name for myself.

Over the next three and a half years, I was blessed to accomplish just about everything that a wide-eyed freshman might set out to do.

I have 150 or so bylines to my name, became an expert (or as close to one as a student journalist can get) on Texas sports and enjoyed a dream internship with Sports Illustrated. I got to cover a fantastically fun volleyball team, experienced the Red River Showdown in all its splendor and placed second in a national writing competition at the 2022 NCAA Men’s Final Four in New Orleans.

I truly had the time of my life.

But over time, I began to realize the cost of such an exciting career – I was incredibly burnt out. Sports journalism is a tiring profession that does not lend itself to a strong work-life balance, at least for a morning person like myself.

That’s why I decided to shift focus my senior year before graduating.

My transition into PR

I wanted to find a place where I could apply the skills I developed as a writer and journalist, learn about new industries and develop new skills. This led me to PR and communications, and I’ve loved each step of my journey so far. I took classes in PR my senior year and got my foot in the door with an Austin PR and communications firm that represents clean energy and technology companies.

I’ve always loved storytelling, and I love how I can continue to do that in PR while developing knowledge and expertise across many industries too.

While I have not closed the door on journalism and sports forever, I am so glad to have found a path that I really enjoy and is more sustainable for me as I begin my professional career.

How I ended up at Ketner Group

As my graduation this May quickly approached, I searched for an opportunity in PR that would not only allow me to continue my professional growth but also put a premium on work environment. I was instantly drawn to how Ketner Group advertised itself as a fun, energetic and joyful place to work.

Over the course of my interviews with members of the Ketner team, I really picked up on how that’s not just lip service here. Ketner Group sounded like just the place I wanted to work and grow as a PR professional (it has some recent recognition to back that up, too). That’s why I was ecstatic when I received an offer to intern with the Austin office, and I couldn’t be happier to be here.

It’s only been a week, but I’ve already felt how committed everyone at Ketner is to each other, their work, and their strong company culture. I can’t wait to continue learning from the incredibly talented and awesome team at Ketner.

Here’s to a great summer!

catherine seeds ceo jeff ketner senior advisor

Ketner Group Names Catherine Seeds CEO As Jeff Ketner Assumes the Role of Senior Advisor

A proven leader with more than 24 years of experience in B2B PR, Seeds will expand on the success Ketner built and continue the agency’s dedication to creating a rock-solid culture

AUSTIN, Texas – May 2, 2023 – Ketner Group Communications, the leading public relations agency for retail technology companies, today announced it named Catherine Seeds president and CEO. Seeds, who has been an integral part of the agency for more than 20 years, succeeds Jeff Ketner, who assumes the role of founder and senior advisor.

The transition reflects Ketner Group’s ongoing dedication to being the leading retail technology PR agency, as well as creating a collaborative, authentic company culture that supports team members for the long term. These strategic goals are further illustrated in Ketner Group being recognized as one of Ragan’s Top Places to Work for the third year in a row last week. The agency is also a finalist for PR Daily’s Top Agencies for 2023.

Seeds brings to the role more than 24 years of experience working in B2B tech PR agencies. She started her career at Springbok Technologies and Bernard Group, providing media relations and content support for high-tech and healthcare tech companies during the “Dot-Com” boom. During her tenure at Ketner Group, Seeds has played a crucial role in every phase of the agency’s success, including overseeing three rebrands, ensuring steady year-over-year revenue growth and team expansion since 2002, opening the agency’s office in New York and growing its remote team.

“Catherine is a doer, thoughtful listener, creative thinker, and relationship-builder — all qualities that have become synonymous with Ketner Group because of her leadership,” said Ketner. “Catherine dares to dream big, while always having the best interests of the team at heart, and this agency absolutely wouldn’t be the same without her. I know she’ll continue to raise Ketner Group to new heights, and I look forward to supporting the agency and our clients in my new role as senior advisor.”

Seeds successfully oversees the agency’s business development, partnerships, HR/operations, client success and agency culture initiatives in collaboration with the agency’s top-notch senior leadership team that includes Adrienne Newcomb, VP of operations, and Kirsty Goodlett, VP of marketing.

“Jeff created a special place to work when he founded this agency more than 30 years ago,” said Seeds. “For more than 20 years, I’ve learned so much from Jeff about how to lead from a place of empathy, curiosity and passion. I’m excited to step into the role of CEO, and I can’t wait to keep working with our awesome team as we continue to manifest our vision of being the go-to communications agency for retail tech companies.”

As a result of the foundation created by Ketner, Ketner Group was recently recognized for its commitment to prioritizing the well-being of its employees when it was named one of Ragan’s Top Places to Work: Class of 2023. Ragan Communications is the leading publisher for communications professionals, and Ketner Group has been included in its annual lists since its inaugural class of 2021. Ketner Group stands out for championing work-life harmony, offering flexible work hours, and empowering employees to work in the environment that best suits their personal, creative needs. Since launching its employee-led Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee in 2020, it has implemented programs that encourage greater employee participation and shape the company culture for the better. These include facilitating regular monthly observances, creating company values and completing quarterly anonymous employee surveys.

Interested in being part of the future of Ketner Group? Check out open roles.

About Ketner Group Communications 
For more than 20 years, Ketner Group has helped retail technology companies build brand, drive demand and grow shareholder value through strategic PR programs. We give retail technology clients an edge through our deep retail expertise, extensive network and targeted communication strategies. Our core services include media and analyst relations, content development, PR messaging and strategy, and more. Ketner Group has offices in Austin and New York City, working with clients located in North America, the UK and Europe. For more information, visit www.ketnergroup.com.

Media Contact: 
Kirsty Goodlett, VP of Marketing 
Ketner Group Communications 
[email protected]

Meet Our New Senior Account Executive: Katherine Bingham

Hi everyone, it’s Katherine. I’m ecstatic to be joining the team as a Senior Account Executive!

My love of words (and how it got me here)

I’ve always had an affinity for words. As a baby, I spoke in whole sentences before I could even stand on two feet. In elementary and middle school, I was a voracious reader, known for carrying a book everywhere I went. In high school, I became the editor-in-chief of our school’s yearbook.

Naturally, when it came to choosing a career path, I stuck to what I knew. For a people person who loves to read and write, what’s better than PR?

My professional experience began at an agency called 10Fold Communications. There, I serviced a variety of clients in the enterprise tech space, including cybersecurity, supply chain and big data verticals.

After that, I ventured to Zilker Media, where I worked alongside authors and entrepreneurs building people-driven brands and helping to bolster their thought leadership.

Now, I’m excited to return to my roots in tech at Ketner Group. Impressed by the agency’s two decades of tenure in the industry, I felt drawn to KG’s core values, domain expertise and bright, welcoming team.

katherine bingham sae

A few of my favorites: Travel, music and cats

Outside of work, one of my biggest passions is travel; I just love getting lost in new places. Traveling has been such a valuable tool in helping me to better understand myself and the world around me.

So far, I’ve been to 14 different countries and 15 U.S. states, and I plan to keep growing that list. Right now, my dream destination is Japan!

I’m also a huge music fan. Encouraged by my mom who went to Queen and Led Zeppelin concerts back in the day (yes, I’m infinitely jealous), I try to go to as many shows and festivals as possible. Besides that, I enjoy exploring new genres, artists and albums I’ve never heard before. Swapping playlists is for sure one of my love languages.

I currently live in Austin, Texas with my two perfect cat children: Monkey and Goose. On an average weekend, you can find me thrifting, roller skating, spending time outdoors or watching scary movies.